There is nothing new. It is ever the same with every autocratic body. Set up a fence (“Trinity”, “Blood”, “Jehovah”, etc.), threatening death if you stray outside. The monotheists of the 6th century BCE were no different:
“By introducing a series of statues, the founding fathers of Judaism try to safeguard the new community’s loyalty. They leave no doubt about their intolerance. Prophecy calling for following other gods is punishable by death (Deut 13.2-6). If such an invitation is pronounced by one’s brother, son, daughter, wife or friend, then “you shall have no pity on him, you shall not spare him nor shield him” (Deut 13.9).
“In this way, a system of control is established which even interferes with, and works within, the family. The religious community is considered to be more important than kinship solidarity - a revolution in a kinship-based society, but characteristic of new religious movements such as early Christianity, Islam and some well-known contemporary cults. (Monotheism and the prophetic minority, pages 43-44, Bernhard Lang)